31 December 2011

Doing a tomato souce

Beginning of the work
Life in Italy is an adventure, every day something old-new to learn. Specially the way they cook! We all love it, don't we? Preparation of fresh tomato paste for winter is one of the cooking traditions here, more popular nowadays in South-Italy. Preserve it in a cellar for the winter. Without chemical preservatives added. Home made. Nowadays we enter in a big supermarket to buy one, bottled, full of chemistry. But as we continue our path, we search the convenience in our lives. Although food made at home is always appreciated. If it is ready on the table waiting for you, who of us could deny? 

Stirring the tomatoes
Tomatoes ready to the next step- mincing
This summer I had one great opportunity to participate in making "sugo di pomodoro", like tell Italians for tomato paste, sounds beautiful, don't it?  The day before the tomatoes were harvested and put into the boxes, we had them about eighteen, each box about 20-25 kilogram. Our day started early in the morning at 6. We went to a country side. Ready to work, most of us! First step was to wash all tomatoes, cut them to half. Cutting them we needed as well to check the "quality". The black marks we had to cut, if tomato was soft to smell it, if it smelled bad, we through it away. After we put them to boil and stirred sometimes so it would not be burned. For boiling we used big pot, one that maybe you see in the place of your grand-grand mother. Put a water, about a quarter, after added the cut tomatoes. And boiled them about a half an hour, as tomatoes were soft. Following action was to drain them, and to make a sauce. To drain, we used as you can see as well from the picture, very simple things: box and a cloth. Continued with mincing the tomatoes, using one special machine, like the one we know used for mincing the meat. Putting in as much as possible, using truncheon to press and out comes a delicious sauce. If all this is done were needed to put all this into the bottles, that were ready, washed and cleaned. The last step was to put the bottles correctly closed to boil all, so they could be preserved for winter time. For this, like one time, we used cisterns, where we put as much bottles as possible. Under the cistern was the fireplace. Once the bottles were in the cisterns, fire were up, was left to do only one thing: to rest. The boiling procedure was about three hours. After when the fire was distinguished, the cisterns were left to cool down for the night. The next day we collected the bottles and storaged them to cellar.
Mincing process, who work, who watch that work
is done correctly. 
The work seemed to be so easy for me, I imagined why we do not do this anymore? As the day continued, I understood that the end is far-far away. It takes all day. Wake up early in the morning, invite all your family. Moreover before all, is needed to take care of the plants... It all needs time, passion and will to do it! Making this paste is not only a work, it is something more, it is one of the actions, where family comes together, tell the stories, do jokes. 
All the hard work that was done was worth it.  Now we can enjoy a dish of pasta with fresh tomato sauce and polpette for example. Or use it to make fantastic and famous sauce of bologna! 

29 December 2011

Walk through the centuries

"Full of palaces beautifully situated, set on a narrow side of the rock [...] Amazed by so many views that present themselves on every side. In Gerace every rock, sanctuary or palace, seemed to be placed and colored intentionally for the artists ...

How many of you have heard one little village called Gerace? Masterpiece of human hands which is situated near to Ionic coast in South Italy. Maybe some of us has even travelled there, has enjoyed fantastic walking through the centuries, sat down in Belvedere Bombarde letting your mind to flow watching the view. 
Arms of coat
Gerace is considered to be one of most beautiful villages in Italy, what is still remained to delight us. It is founded by the inhabitants of the Locride, who ran there from the attacks of saracens, following a sparrowhawk, tells the city legend. The name Gerace is belived to derive form  "jérax", sparrowhawk in greek.The bird is represented nowadays on the city arms of coats, which you can find also on the piazza di tocco. 
Village is little, but has a lot of religious buildings, which some of them are damaged by the earthquakes or reconstructed. They are built in different centuries. In Cattedrale dell'Assunta, the biggest religious building in Calabria, is possible to see the altar of paganism which was discovered in '50's during the reconstruction. 
One village worth to visit if your are adventurous, as to this city the public transport do not go. Arriving there is little bit difficult, as it is situated in the mountains, but worth all the trouble the road put you through. 
The sights to see: 
Castle of normans

- The castle of normans (XI sec.)                                

- Cathredal dell'Assunta (1045)
- The church of San Francesco (XIII sec.)
- The church of San Giovannello (XI sec.)
- The church of Santa Maria di Monserrato (XVII sec.)
- The church of San Martino (X sec.)
- The church of Santa Maria del Mastro (XVII sec.)

- The churchch of San Giorgio
- The church of Sacro Cuore (XVIII sec.)
The church of Sant’Anna 
The church of San Nicola (VII-VIII sec.)
- The church of San Siminio  
 - Monastery of Cappuccini  (1534)
- Monastery of Minori Osservanti (1612)
- Monastery San Francesco d’Assisi (1252) 

(for women) 
- Belvedere Bombarde (viewpoint) 
Cathedral dell'Assunta view inside
- l’Arco dei Vescovi (arc of bishops)
  - Palazzo del Balzo
- Palazzo Vitale
- Palazzo Delfino
- Casa Marvasi

- Porta del Sole
- Porta delle Bombarde 

Village is more alive during the "italian vacation time", 20.07-31.08, when all Italy rest from the year's work. During this period is as well open the wine bar (website in italian) of Gerace, where is possible to taste and buy the wine from the region, as well the one of Gerace, called Greco di Gerace. Which they tell, is impossible to find in another place.  
One very fantastic video of the view that offers you the village : 

23 December 2011

Dialect in Basilicata

Basilicata is another region in South-Italy, surrounded by Puglia, Calabria and Campania. This is one region that has changed the name through the history,before was called Lucania, it's habitants still are called "i lucani".
As all regions in Italy, as well Basilicata have it's own language-dialect lucano. More or less we can tell it is a mix, lucano is influenced more or less by the regions that surround it, cities more near to Campania use the accent more similar to napoletano, those near to Puglia to pugliese, near to Calabria to calabrese. As well can found words that are similar those regions dialects that surround it.
Some proverbs as an example:

*Nun ten pan e vol savcicchia!
Non ha il pane e vuole salsiccia!

Don't have bread, but want sausage!

*Campa cavallo ca l'erba cresc.
Vivi cavallo che l'erba cresce.

Live the horse and grow the grass.

*A lava la capa a lu ciucc s'perd tiemp acqua e sabne.
A lavare la testa all'asino si perde tempo, acqua e sapone.

Washing the head of donkey, is loosing the time, water and soap.

*Si l'invidia foss cuglia, fosse gia arrivat mber' li pere.
Se l'invidia potesse parlare ne raconterebbe delle belle.

If jelousy could talk, it would tell beautiful things.

*Quand s' sciogl a nev venn fuor i strunz.    
Quando si scioglie la neve vengono fuori gli stronzi.

When melts the snow,come out the shit.

*In tiemp di guerra ogni buc e purtus.
In tempo di guerra ogni buco, cioè ogni donna può andare. 

When do not saty more women around you, every woman is good. 

Pronouncing is more or less similar to napoletano, soft and more or less understandable to the foreigner as me.
Written form is understandable for those who speak good italian,some similarities I think is possible to find, or no?  

My source: Monica Messina from Potenza.

PS! My translation is not the best one, but ...better than nothing ;);) 

05 November 2011

Calabrian dialect

In Calabria most italians in their homes do not speak italian as we foreigners know it, absolutely no. Most people, specially old ones, do not even speak with you in italian, 'cause they just do not know it. They use their own language-calabrian.
Which is pretty different from italian. Although this "language" is not so much for writing as it is for speaking. It consists some letters that they pronounce very particular way,but in written language is impossible to express.
"Calabrian dialect is for speaking not for writing," told one calabrese.
Calabrian dialect is one of most spoken dialects in all over the world, as throughout history "i calabresi" have emigrated to another countries, as for example Argentina, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia and Germany.
Calabrian dialect, I must mention, is different in every province, there stay them five.Although stay some similarities and they manage to understand each other perfectly. As well in Calabria stay some cities where people still speak as well old greek language, which is very different from the dialect. Old greek is still spoken in some little cities in ionic coast  for example in Bova Marina, Roghudi Nuovo, Bovesìa and Gallicianò.
How is calabrian different from italian language? Some examples as proverbs I have managed to learn.

* Ca l'acqua gugghi e u porcu è ancora nta muntagna.
Qua l'acqua bolle, però il porco è ancora nelle montagne.
Here water boils, but the pig is still in the mountains!

*Munti cu munti no si ncuntra, ma frunti cu frunti...  
La montagna con altra non si incontra, ma fronte con fronte... 

One mountain with another do not meet,BUT forehead with another...

*U surici  ncissi a nuci: "Ammi tempu ca ti perciu!"
Il topo dice alla noce: "Dammi il tempo che ti rompo!"

Mouse tell to nut: "Give me time, I break you!"

These are just some examples written in calabrian dialect spoken in province of Reggio Calabria.

My second trip to Calabria !

Calabria, my beloved region. Not that I have seen all Italy, but with Calabria I feel obsession. It's language and people there are just so amazing, for me like another part of the world, it's not "Italy", it is Calabria, it's habitants are not italians are "i calabresi".
This year I had a chance to visit this place another time in august,unfortunately only for nine days, but with this week I managed to do and see pretty much.
For example to visit one of the abandoned cities called Roghudi in the heart of mountain Aspromonte.To reach our destination we started from Taurianova and reached to Ionic coast (link to our trip in google maps). Which was really amazing car ride only for it's view, not ruined, looked like abandoned. So clean water. Really beautiful. I enjoyed so much. Although the road was not so comfortable in some places, specially in the mountains where I really had afraid that this car go down it's own way and our trip finishes there, here I must tell compliments to our driver! Fantastic how he managed to handle the car.
Except of Roghudi we visited Pizzo (Vibo Valentia), and of course Tropea, Palmi, Scilla and Caulonia.
In Caulonia every year in august is held song and dance festival which began in year of 1999, it's called Tarantella.Every year the main "piazza" is full mostly of calabresi who enjoy the folk music and dance. Most famous performer of tarantella music is Mimmo Cavallaro.
In Tropea, Palmi and Tonnara we enjoyed the beautiful weather and fantastic sea.
Although, last year I had one "appointment" with medusa, I had little fear to put my legs again in to this sea, but in the end is impossible to argue with "i calabresi" and I went.
What else did I manage to do with my one week? We visited cascades in Molochio, "mundu" and "galasia". One trip in mountains, which lasted proximately 4 hours. Fantastically fresh air and beautiful surrounding. As well I had fantastic opportunity to do a boat trip in tyrrhenian coast. Which was unbelievably beautiful.We saw one beach where is possible to reach only by boat. Done one bath in this sea. Our guide told us the stories of Odyssey, showed us the place where probably Sirens seduced him. Caves. Sea tomatoes.
Of course one of the "calabresi" ask immediately, if these are possible to eat, they are so similar to little tomatoes.
As well I helped to do tomato paste for the winter, which I first thought to be really hard process, but in the end discovered it to be simple, but little bit annoying work to do. We woke at 6 in the morning and work lasted almost all day! But dinner was made with this tomato paste and was incredibly good.
To describe the beauty of untouched nature in Calabria in world do not exist the words, you must see it all. Breath and feel it! If you have the possibility to visit it,go!

19 October 2011

Celebrating my 1 year

Person who come to live here, or even for a vacation that lasts little bit longer than just one or two weeks, who start to communicate, I think start to change. Italy do not let you to stay the same as you were. It takes you in its arms, hugging you tight and not noticing you start to "grow" as it teaches you. Some people  it teaches to laugh, feel more positive emotions, another will leave because cannot see the beauty in the beast.
19th of october is "birthday" of my new life, it has now officially 1 year. I have had my ups and downs, sad and happy periods.
I never forget my first day when I came here, not knowing a word in  italian, head full of illusions, ready to start my new life, my adventure. Landing in airport of Malpensa, I think was my happiest day, at least I have done something I've dreamed about. Now I had opportunity to start to live my dream! Go on the streets full of history, study the language, new culture. Travel. I was so ready. Still I am. I love Italy and it's way of living.
Being a foreigner here is not so easy, so many things to learn and adapt from this culture. Learners are we! The manners, way of cooking, communication and most important learn how to do "la bella figura". Without this is pretty hard, of course you can say what you think, but... better through the flowers.
Italians, they are experts of communication, they know how to make you love their culture, language, way of cooking. They illuminate you with their passion for life and knowledge.
Italian language I managed to learn in 3 months, the basic, so I was able to understand and I could go to shop alone without problems. I composed easy sentences. But far from prefect. As well now I do not speak perfectly, as I do not know to use "congiuntivo" so good, maybe because most of the italians use instead of this just present. Italian grammar is not so easy to learn. Full of tenses and irregular verbs what you must memorize. To speak perfectly I think I need more one-two years, or am I too optimistic?
I will see... More things to learn... Adventure continues!!

12 August 2011

How to get a job?

You want to enjoy all the beauty here? Learn new culture? Your dream is to live in Italy? Your first step probably is to study the language first, secondly you start to search for a persons and make friends from Italy. Through internet, moreover meet the italians who stay in your country and support your idea so enthusiastically. So you speak italian, your mother language is english! Yeah! Go on! You can find something!
Finding a job in Italy now is not the easiest competition to win. Disoccupied italians stay here a lot! Most of them are graduated in university, and they do not want to do the "dirty" jobs anymore, what they have willingly gave to the foreigners who came to live here. Italians dream to be an archeologists, doctors, architects, advocates.Something that they think to be "higher position", they are superstars of their lives! They can be whatever they want! As well if they fail, and live at home of the parents in age of 40!
Where to start if you arrive here? Oh well, most important here are connections! Dipend a lot who you know. People can help you, if you do not know then here works a lot so called "family politics". Is possible to find something on your own of course, but good positions are always given to one whom the boss know, or moreover is a member of a family. They can fire you here, if the nephew just graduated in university and now did not find suitable job as fast as dreamed. Ahhh...But we can fire the foreigner! So you lost! Not always of course, if they have seen your work and you do your work good, they have no reason to change.
Another thing very important is the way you dress. People first meeting you observe you for 30 seconds. Your clothes, hands, make-up - very important things! Your dress must be suitable for the post where you candidate.
Italians LOVE to talk, almost about everything, but as well during the interview you cannot forget yourself. They ask about even about your family during the interview, here the conseption of it is so important (in north it is loosing it's importance), they ask all kind of things, which maybe you are not so used to talk about, you can always politley refuse to answer to their questions. Of course if they do the interview, may happen that they hire you without. Like staff for bars and restaurants.
How to get started? Firstly you must go around the city and give your CV around in every bar, restaurant and shop. More luck you'll have in turistic areas, languages are advantages, 'cause most of the italians do not speak another language, except of italian and maybe-maybe dialect (importance of the dialects in north is fading ). Find a job in shops, specially the cloth shops is really hard, either way you know someone who talk for you or you have the perfect experience, and of course it all again depends WHERE you have worked, which shop, and you must be very qualified in fashion.
Another possibility is to give as well your CV to agiencies, which here are a lot, like GiGroup, StartPeople, Kelly Services, Il Working etc. Register yourself through internet. Send your CV to companies directly even if they are not searching now, you can send it impontanously. Important is as well to send a letter that introduces you a little. Who you are, why you stay here, what are your qualities etc.
What type of works you can find? If you are not super qualified and "million" diplomas from Oxford holding in your hands, then probably you end up in some restaurant working as a waitress, dishwasher; in hotel reception; as a hostess or if your language skills are fantastic in university cities you can find a work as a teacher for students.
Italy is not easy country, not even for some italians, who decide to go and search the happiness in another country. But if you manage to survive here, you'll stronger by 1000 experiences, that it will give you.
Of course... If you do not end up as a prostitute! Sad faith, but happens with some of  girls who come to search here the happiness, job and another type of life! Money is "good", temptating and necessary for surviving!

My favorite region

Calabria is divided for 5 provinces
Italy in total has 20 regions.All of them I have not yet visited.But where I have been the most I like Calabria.Once when you have stepped on the ground of this part of Italy you can understand why.Like has said one writer L.Répaci once:
3 km from Sicily
"The day when God decided to create Calabria,He found 15 000 km2 clay and permitted himself to be the greatest artist of the world.Thought that this should be perfect place for about 2 millions habitants.He started his work and Calabria he managed to do more beautiful than it were Riviera and Japanese islands."
Polistena-City of peace
This region is situated in south,is surrounded by Basilicata,Campania and Puglia.3 kilometres away is Sicily.Residents are about 2 million,the capital of this region is Catanzaro.Calabria is not very turistic place,there is maybe 2-3 cities where tourists enter,for example Reggio Calabria and Tropea,which is the favourite place to enjoy the vacation for german people.Another cities are not popular among the tourists,'cause in this region you cannot find signs on the road,showing you the way to the next city,some of them are pierced by a bullets,as well is dangerous to wonder around alone.Better way to go around there is if you know someone who can show you the way of very magical places,like some little villages in Apromonte,Pentedattilo(little abandoned village in mountains).
North-italians rarely go there,only if they know some person from there or if their parents,grandparents are from there.They tell this to be the society that lives in 19th century,and open-minded people never would survive there.But to have a vacation there is marvellous experience.
From this region comes "ndrangheta" most feared clan of maffia,more structured and stronger than was once Cosa nostra,although the last one is more known over the world from movies and books about it's founder Corleone."Ndrangheta" roots come from Reggio Calabria,but has spread all over the world,it's "branches" you can find in North-Italy,America,North-Europe.Where stay big money stay as well person dealing with part of mafia.
"Calabria is a dream,the sea there is fantastic,people are beautiful,"told one of my co-worker,venezuelana,who lived there for 4 years and dream one day to return.
Castle of Scilla
People there have their own language,dialect of calabrese,which varies city by city,after every 3 kilometres it is little bit different.People there do not use italian to communicate,some of them even do not understand it.Specially old people,they only use dialect,even though after unifying Italy official language is italian.So if you're lost you cannot ask the way,'cause is impossible to understand the language,even if you speak good italian.Probably this increases the fear to visit the place.
My first visit to this place was in year of 2010,and ever since I love this place.I visited mostly the places south of Calabria.Like Tropea,Scilla,Pentedatillo and Reggio Calabria.This place is not full of beautiful houses like Venice or Florence,but it will catch your heart with it's semplicity and beautiful nature.Gives you another type of experience which you just cannot forget so easily.
Street view in Scilla
Who speak italian,can watch one comedy of Antonio Albanese "Qualunquemente"  ,which has funny point of view of Calabria and it's politicians.

11 August 2011

Poveglia-island of horrors

Poveglia is one island's of Venezia,but it's place full of secrets and is frightened by venetians,who call this island "a place where you never return".Most of them believe this place to be living and breathing heart of the evil.The island during the day is beautiful and calls you to come and visit,but during the night place turns to be frightening.For tourists this island is closed.Enter to this island can only the researchers of abnormal activities.The island belongs to the italian government.
The island was first mentioned for the first time in year 421 B.Cr,while people escaped from Padova and Este to live in this island and to protect themselves from the attack of barbars.By the 9th century the island was fully populated and it's importance grew in time.Many wars were held there,because the barbars had interest of the people who had run there to live.Most of the wars were won by the people who lived in the island,until the year of 1379,when island was attacked by genoas and won the war.Island was abandoned by it's natives,who found new home in the island of Giudecca.After winning the war government of Venice built there castle-fortress Octagon,what is as well visible today.Next centuries the island was abandoned.1527 the ruler of the Venice offered the island to  Camoldolese munks,but they refused to take this place.1661 offer were made to the people who were nativley from there,as well them refused to take the offer.In the year of 1777 island went to Magistrato alla Sanità (Public health center).It became one of the trading points,where people came and went with ships.1739 year  two ships were found where there were people with plague and the place became temporarily as an infirmary .Under the lead of Bonaparte,1805,the island became officially as an infirmary.He let to destry the tower of the church called San Vitale,building instead a lighthouse.1814 year infirmary were closed.
20th century this place were used again as an infirmary.1922 the excisting buildings were re-built to elderly house,to accomodate old person from Venice.1968 year this island was abandoned,was used only for agricultural purposes short time.After the island was abandoned.
There are many legends about this island,why it is so frightened place.One of them tells that during the Roman times it was used as a living cemetery.People who were sick of plague were taken there to die.As well it was used as a living cemetery during the time when in Europe spread plague called black death.It was thought to be very efective method to divide sick and healthy from each other.According to legend in this island died about 160 000 persons.
According to second legend this island was used as a mental hospital in year of 1922.It's doctor tortured and killed his patients,before loosing his mind and jump off the tower of church.Legend tells that he survived the jump,but was killed by the fog that arised from the ground and strangled him to death.Bones are visible as well nowadays.Institution was called a mansion,but evidence has prooved that it was used as well as a mental hoospital.
Reality shows about this island,very interesting to watch are for example Ghost Adventures,Death in Venice:Demon doctor and Scariest Places on Earth.

23 July 2011

My Italy

Italy is not only pasta, pizza and mafia. Here stay so much more. Interesting history, more than one book of adventure ever written, incredibly talented people, beautiful architecture and of course magnificent nature! Italy is like a paradise on earth...almost!
The country like we see it now on the map, is not so old as we like to think, young "baby" has only 150 years old. In schools we have learned about Italy only one part, Rome and it's glory. Italy is not only Rome, Milan or Sicily. Here stay twenty regions. Which are so different, that if you visit one region and after another, seems like you change a country. If Lombardy is the queen of fashion, then Tuscany is the king of nature, representing it's beauty in hundreds different ways.
Little bit recent history. In year 1861 Garibaldi, united all Italy, and first capital was instead of Rome, Turin. Before the unification all different regions had it's own language, nowadays we call them dialects. Italian language as we speak and know it today, is based on the dialect of Tuscany and is similar to Latin, now only spoken in Vatican. The way italians speak their language are more or less influenced by their birthplace and where they have grown: way of speaking, pronouncing the words, usage of grammar. For example people from Rome speak italian like "lazy" people, not pronouncing the words correctly and some times seem like one sentence is one word. I remember when my italian was not so "perfect", I had so much trouble to understand what they wanted to tell. As well people from Campania speak little more softly, than their companions from Calabria, "i calabresi" pronounce the words more strongly and the way of speak is more understandable, at least for me. From Tuscany people pronounce instead of "c" the letter "h", for example instead of coca-cola they tell "hoha-hola". I had, maybe still have, little difficult to understand them.
South-Italy in some places people do not speak at all italian, specially old ones. If you need some information, you need to use your body language, otherwise you can think as much as you want, but even speaking perfect italian, is little hard to understand the dialects, although today the dialects are "italianizing" meaning that take over italian words, this makes dialect more understandable. Still old people talk more strong and old dialect.
Every region here is a pearl of characters. They are so different. Even city by city. As much as I have noticed. In south, people still respect the old "rules", traditions and values. In north people change more, go along with new "flow", fashion, try everything new more easily.
Once Napoletani were known for their skill to cheat, was popular that they sold you a rock in a box. In the street they showed you a tape recorder, beautiful, everything is fantastic, function.You gave the money and arrived at home to discovered that inside the box stay only rock, but then was already too late. Or "i calabresi" is known by their "hard head", never change their ideas, if they  have something in their mind, they will do it. They protect good what they have. Once was very famous their method for revenge for cheating. If discovered that their wife were cheating they killed both, wife and her lover. Of her lover they usually shot in the head or balls,
cut the genitals and in the end they put these in the mouth. If police discovered body like this, they did not even bothered themselves to investigate the case. Bloody revenges were very known there.
Sicilians are well known by their kind nature and of course by mafia-Cosa Nostra. But people there are really kind and fantastic.
Lombardy is full of people, who have come to search their "happiness", carrier and money. Region of fashion and industry. People there follow the fashion, like religious follow the bible. Like one person who live in Milan, came to Bologna, told "how is possible to wear blu with black, is so disgusting to watch." And she had long list for the things which do not go with what. Funny!In Lombardy, people run, they are always in hurry to somewhere. I do not know where they run, but all the time they have something to do, somewhere to go, someone to meet, some course to take. Do they have time to sleep? I hope yes.
Sardegnian in general are mysterious people. I am happy to know one and I am going to discover as much as I can about them. But as much as I have read, they are considered to be very closed people.
Emilia-Romagna, in Bologna. The people here come almost from all over the world, you can meet so many different nationalities. Why? Answer is simple this is the university city! Most oldest university is exactly in this city, built in 11th century. As well Bologna is known as "red city", name come from it's political view, they support more the left side. Students protest, organize the marches against government etc.
But this is not all! Absolutely no! Italy is one country, that have million stories to tell, with million different actors to put on the stage. We are lucky to be the participants or if you wish you can be as well the audience! Go with the flow and let it tell the story with you as a leading actor on the stage.

21 July 2011

What I have noticed.

A list of strange things, what I have noticed, during the time I have spent here:

1) In Italy the car drivers, priests, women and little children can do what they want.

2) The first floor begins where we think to be the second.

3) Some italians make their best to make you belive that you are their best friend, at least for this week. You're the one who are stupid to belive this.

4) Most important for one italian is family. Men/women can be 35, but still they ask advice from their parents.

5) "Italy is most beautiful country in all over the world" this is one of the illusions italians make you believe.

6) Law are for ignoring! Italians interpret the laws like they wish and feel is comfortable for them. Like 6 in the morning they usually do not follow the red light. Don´t stay around no one anyway, so they can go.

7) If the girl happens to look one man more than just 5 seconds, means that she wants to go to have sex with him immediatly.

8) Having a afternoon nap is normal activity, most popular is this in South-Italy.

9) Public transport do not follow the schedual. They come when they want.

10) If your mother do your laundry, when you are 40 is not laziness, it's called "mother's love".

11) Pedestrian roads are moreover like a decorations. Car drivers usually do not stop if you are standing near and wait to cross over. And as well pedestrians cross the road where it is more suitable for them.

One video link here about the italians and  rest of europeans! Italians are fantastic with all their affects =)

The beginning

Piazza Spagna in Rome
Italy is a country where most of the habitants dream of leaving and once left they dream of returning.Tourists fall in love to the superficial impression, created by italians.Living here is much more different than travel around.
Country where all uglyness is hidden behind the beautiful scene that are performed by beautiful nature and good "actors".
After my first travel to Italy, the classic touristic cities - Roma and Milano, I felt that I want to live here.People are so fantastic, surrounding is just wonderful. I want to see all. I need it! I love the language, culture and nature.Although during my trip here I did not speak no word in italian, only understood some words, which are similar to english. I watched people going around the street. So elegant and so different. I spent here only one week, and it was enough for me. I was in love!
What is about Italy that charm as so much?
Famous Colosseo with all it's glory
Italy has something mysterious that catches us in the middle of the labyrinth and is so hard to get out if you're already in. We start to follow the path and we get lost in the way. Some of us who come to live here fall in love more to it's mysterious exsistence. Others are not so charmed after a year and they run away. Italy has history most interesting in all world. This country is like 20 different countries in one. If you vist one region it seems like you have crossed the border to another country. What makes this country so interesting. For example, Lombardia is region where they say is possible to find a work more easily and is very industrial. But for food the region is not one of the best. Here you can see more fashion followers than in another region. People are more colder, and like I like to say like "hunters". Never they sleep, all the time ready to "hunt" something.Parties,  fashion superstars, that's the symbol for me for Milan, capoluogo of Lombardia.
Another region, Emilia Romagna for example, is more relaxed. It is as well one of the industrialised regions in Italy, but people here are different and as well one of the regions where you can eat incredibly good and find fantastic wine, like in Tuscany, near to Emilia Romagna.
Oldest traces of humans we can find in Lazio, capoluogo Roma. Who has not been there? One of the most famous places, where we go if we happen to choose to have a vacation in Italy for the first time. To visit Colosseo, The forum and terme. To have one beautiful evening outside, walking towards river tevere and enjoying good company.

Why do we all fall in love with this? I think most of the good work do the italians,who just do not give us another oportunity.